山本一馬 Kazuma Yamamoto
ギタリスト Guitarist

留学中から、多様な国のミュージシャンとの演奏や交流、 また後進の指導を通して、
これまでにクラシックギターをリディア ケネディー、イザール エリアス、
ジャズギターをハンス クンヌマンの各氏に師事。
2010年に帰国後は渡邊孝子とともに香川県を拠点に演奏活動、 後進の指導を行っている。

Born in Kagawa, JAPAN. Guitarist. His music career started at age of six with playing the classical piano.
At the age of thirteen, he started to play the Guitar.
After graduating from the high school of music,
he went to Amsterdam Conservatory (Netherlands). He mainly studied Classical Guitar,
but also studied various style of music.
Throughout encountering a number of musicians, he explore his own style. Graduated from the Conservatory in 2008. So far, he studied Classical Guitar with Lydia Kennedy and Izhar Elias, Jazz Guitar with Hans Kunneman. From 2010, he has being residence with Takako Watanabe in KAGAWA JAPAN. He is being performing and teaching the music.

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